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JessieBelle: Yes, there was one time when I wanted to pull up to the Nursing Home with my mother in the car because we were just visiting 2 people there, but instead I drove to the local hotel where my brother would stay when he visited. I don't know where my head was at! You're not alone, Jessie!
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Send, celery is a diuretic. Interesting, isn't it? I found that out when researching it. Be careful of losing potassium though, as that happened to me. I couldn't figure why I felt so weak until I was advised of the low potassium when I had the appendectomy.

Moe, good idea to read books with winter scenes! You share some good ideas too. Photos of winter scenes are helpful during summer, and photos of summer scenes helpful in winter.

I also find math problems help keep me oriented, even though I've forgotten so much.

I was thinking that one of the strange feelings about the spaceyness is the sense that I've found myself having slipped into a situation unlike any other, a situation in which I've never found myself, for which I was never educated, prepared, or planned for. Many events are alien to me. I'm still struggling to find adequate solutions as well as to successfully adapt to ongoing changes.

It's somewhat like having interviewed for a job, accepted it, and found it's nothing for which I was prepared.

Sometimes it reminds me of the movie The Martian - lost and abandoned in an alien environment, being forced to make a lot of uncomfortable compromises to survive. Except that I'm still here on earth.
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I get spacey and forgetful a lot and start tripping that I'm getting dementia because that's what my mother has and I feel like it may be kicking in. I think I'm blowing it up, but it's one of my trips.
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Thanks for that important information about celery being a diuretic!
The advice given to me was drink 16 oz., and I modified that to 8 oz.
Will revise my celery juicing accordingly.
The old adage 'Moderation in everything' holds true, once again, and always consider the original source before passing on info to others.

I need a legal disclaimer written for all my posts now!
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JessieBelle, seems many of us share your feelings so let's hope it's normal with the relentless stress we're under. Garden Artist puts it so well in describing this situation that we couldn't possibly have been prepared for. I too worry if Alz could be catching and look forward to shedding the pounds packed on by stress. And to ISHB59, a big well-deserved hug to you today. We all care.
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I feel lightheaded and shaky if I do too much running around. And not getting enough sleep. (I have fibromyalgia) I don't want to drive when I feel that way.

I can't think straight when I'm with my mother, following her around stores. I can't think straight when she's in the car with me, talking and asking questions. Sometimes when I'm driving her somewhere I end up turning down the wrong road, and have to turn around and go back and she grunts.

I've been having trouble remembering what day of the week it is. It blurs together. Is it Tuesday? Wednesday? Do I have to take her somewhere today? I have to keep checking the calendar.

I agree about staying hydrated.
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JessieBelle, I know how you feel. I think a lot of my spacey feeling is due to I'm trying to take care of a dying mother and take care of myself at the same time. Be a caregiver totally takes over your life, physically and emotionally and mentally. Even when I get a break, I'm constantly thinking about what I have to do when I return. It's like my mind has been reprogrammed.
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