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Didn't you mention that your brothers are physicians? What do they say? Can you ask one of them to call your mom's docs and bring them up to date? I have seen doctors I work with who have mothers who are ill in another country (India) & that doctor had his mom's doctor fax him all her lab work for his own review. I would utilize their experience & knowledge as much as possible. Doctors have sort of a brotherhood and if your mother has permission for them to speak to her doctors (HIPPA) I am sure your mother's docs will be willing to discuss your mom's card and diagnosis. You stated one brother confirmed voids in her cerebrum. 

Also,each episode of anesthesia can worsen symptoms of dementia. You had mentioned your mother has had several surgeries, I am assuming the surgeries were under anesthesia and afterwards she developed delirium. Perhaps these episodes have also taken a toll on her?

That's terrible about the contrast dye. What were they testing her for at that time?

Sounds like your mom has been ill for some time. I hope you get some answers soon. Hopefully with time she will improve as the delirium resolves. 
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My dad was said to be unable to walk again so when he had an evaluation we all thought he 'had lost it' when he said he would be able to walk the hall in a week ... he did it in 10 days ... so he was optimistic - walked to & from dining room etc for about 4 years at retirement home

After an incident, few years later he was diagnosed as never to be able to walk / transfer again so now he's to NH - FYI he walks a few feet [to & from bathroom but not as far as dining room] & he self transfers - sometimes drs don't know patients well enough to do a realistic diagnosis -

FYI - dad [now 94] is a retired doctor/surgeon & he was able to understand what was said .... basically he said 'no way jose' & then went about proving them wrong by getting up & walking way more than the 'experts' thought - sometimes all our elder loved ones need is for someone to say 'NO YOU CAN'T' for them to go to prove them wrong - this only is good if the loved one is very mentally aware

I learned from this that you never know how someone will react - EACH PERSON IS ONTO HIMSELF - basically you need to watch & learn but sometimes the 'experts' can be wrong but generally take their advice as that is the worst case scenario but not always in stone

My mom has dementia but she shows a steady decline over years however that can also be over several years .... 'EACH PERSON HAS THEIR OWN NEEDS - TREAT EVERY PRESON AS THEMSELVES NOT JUST A NUMBER!
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I have been at war with my two brothers. It's embarrassing, but I am tired of feeling embarrassed for their actions. Both brothers have their medical office on the same street where my mother's nursing center is located - just about 1 mile down the street. You want to know why I felt embarrassed? One of my brothers #1 drives past the nursing home twice a day: on his way to his office in the morning and on his way home in the evening. He never visited her once, except for the time when we thought my mom was about to pass away. When he was there in my mother's room, he was cracking jokes and laughing to the point where could hardly catch his breath. It's funny because a few years when my mother was in a similar situation, she was in the hospital and rehab for 8 months. She had an infection in her blood and C-diff at the same time. At one point, we thought we were going to lose her because the only nutrition she could get was IV sucrose. You can only live on sucrose for a short period of time. It was an absolute miracle that she survived. In any case, over the 8 month period, he would visit my mom at most once a month for ten minutes and then complain about how the will was poorly written. Now that he knows my mom is about to pass away, I have never seen him so happy in my life. When we had our family meeting last week, I learned that he had all of my mom's assets appraised and consulted an attorney, but not recently - this was back in early May when my mom was in the ICU. My physician brother does not give a d*mn about my mom health. His only concern is the money he will get when my mom passes. That is not only embarrassing, it's disgusting!

My other brother #2 has ego issues. One time when my mom was in the ER, I was in a room with my mother along with my brother#2. The ER doctor wanted to sedate my mom with Haldol because her delirium was way out of control. My mom has had a very bad reaction to Haldol. I saw it with my own eyes and it was very disturbing to see her reaction. It is even stated in her medical records not to administer Haldol to my mother. Hadol is the first drug used to sedate elderly - a textbook approach. I told the doctor not to give her the Haldol and the doctor even said she read it in my mom's file not to give my mom Haldol. So what does she do, she came into the ER room with a syringe. I thought syringe contained Ativan, but a minute later after the doctor injected the contents of the syringe in my mom's IV, I noticed that she was having the same reaction that she previously had with Haldol. I asked the doctor what did you just give her - she replied Haldol and walked out the room. There are many drugs that are able to "reverse" these bad side effects of Haldol. I told my brother(a physician) to give her something to counteract the adverse reaction. He pulled out his phone and started to play video games while I watched my suffer.

What more can I say?
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I greatly appreciate all who have been very kind to reply to my posts. I have read all of your posts, but please do not feel offended if I did not reply to your questions. At this point, I am overwhelmed with everything that is going on. At this point I am just going to focus on supporting my mother through these difficult days. Whatever else happens, I will have to take it day-by-day. I just thought that with all the hard work and accomplishments, someday I thought I would share in the American Dream. But I have become complacent and took things for granted. So I will have to learn how to accept and adapt to whatever may transpire.
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DO NOT BE EMBARASSED BY SOMEONE ELSE'S ACTIONS - you might be embarrassed for them but not because of them - any adult is responsible for their actions ONLY

Your brothers are 'pieces of work' & I don't mean from the Louvre either - lets hope when they get to that age they are treated the same as they treat their mom -

Bro #1 has everything evaluated - is he P.O.A.? - WHAT GAVE HIM THE RIGHT & ACCESS TO BE ABLE TO BRING IN QUALIFIED PERSONNEL TO DO THIS INVATION OF YOUR MOM'S PRIVACY? - maybe he didn't actually do so rather he has written up items to his advantage to screw you & other bro

If you are exectutor don't accept these evaluations as he may have 'hand picked' certain items to be undervalued as those are what he wants while what you are in line for may have been overvalued so he gets the lion's share

I would make him sign a paper that if he sells anything within 10 years that is more than inflation extra, then that extra money reverts to mom's estate - I think his evaluator [if they exist] may be doing a 'fiddle' - has bro #1 got other dealings with this guy so they are buddies or near to it so evaluator 'owes' him something
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My sister and I are POA over handling her finances. My two older brothers (as physicians) are in control of her medical affairs.

My issue with bro#1 is that expresses no compassion for my mom's well being. His only concern is the money that he will get when my mom passes away. He did nothing legally wrong by having my mother's properties appraise. Also, he did nothing legally wrong with consulting an attorney about my mom's trust to determine exactly what is his fair share. He is just counting his pennies - and maybe there is nothing with that. It is the fact that he doesn't give a f#?k about my mom that disturbs me.

Now, my sister wants to relinquish her acting position as the POA. She does not want to inherit the property because willed to her because she doesn't want to be financially burdened with paying taxes. About 2 years ago, my mom called us siblings together for a meeting to discuss the trust that my mother had just written. My sister, being made at the world and bitter at my two brothers, did not attend the meeting. She had the opportunity to voice her concerns and make arrangements at that time. A little while later she did sign the trust. She has had ample time to review the documents which she signed, but she took no action. Now that my mom is in poor health, she is frantic and giving me hell.

For bro#2, I financed a lot of his education. I never saw a penny of all the work I did except for a $900 guitar that I bought my senior year in high school and a few bucks here and there to buy a comic book or a frozen Coke. So I created a spreadsheet to calculate how much money I made. The amount is staggering. If it comes to the point where he is going to be a stickler for every nickel and dime, I will show him a detailed account of every penny that I earned.
But, I am not going to turn this situation into a battle. It's the feeling of being used, walked on, and disrespected from my siblings. Regardless, I love my siblings. That is something that will never leave my heart. Now, I am beginning to fell that they don't give a d*mn about me. Their actions speak louder than words. I have to pull myself out of this illusion.

Now, my mind is in a battle with itself. It seems that every angle of my life leads to no where. I have no job, and the prospect of finding one doesn't look good. I never realized that I would end up unemployed because I am over qualified. I have no money. No job plus no money equals no home, no wife, and I am at the age where I doubt that I will ever have a family. I have nothing to look forward to. I have nothing to dream about. I will lose my mom soon. Today the nursing center sent my mom to the hospital and she is in the ICU. I have nothing.

I am not blaming my siblings for that. My situation was my fault. I am not going to get into an existential discussion - this is not a support group. But I beginning to wonder what should I do? I am seriously considering joining the Peace Corps. Go to another country, learn a new language, interact with people, and give my life some meaning. With my luck, I will be disqualified due to my disability. For the moment, I will just have to be patient and see how things unfold. But this American Dream I have been striving to obtain is turning into the American Nightmare.
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