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Just dont let them know anything...that's what I had to do. Nobody responds, nobody asks about my mom. Same when my dad was ill and passed. So I'm not going though the same frustration I did when my dad was ill. They judge me and talk behind my back, but I know what I've done for my parents as I now am the only caregiver my mom has. I have nothing to prove to them.
My mom used to say that my nephews(her favorite grandsons), were getting her house...I've been with her for 2.5 years She made a decision on her own to get a Trust on Death Deed of her house to me. Now my brother is even more angry at me. I dont get it? He has a bit of a drinking issue, so that's where all his money goes and he really wanted this house. When I was in my 20s(I'm 63 now). I used to say, please leave me out of any family fights, I dont want anything...but yet, here we are...
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