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Irishboy stuff the begrudgers! they are probably jealous and yes trying to find out how much you got? I know alot of people dont see looking after your parents as we see it unless theyve been there ignore them! I too have been looking after mum for five years now and when mum goes im going to need at least a year to get back to being me? I dont even know who i am anymore? It takes time to get back to some kind of normal and as you say grieving also! Take all the time you need to get through all this and forget about what people think who cares? you and only you aswell as people on here know what youve been through and understand i dont even tell people how hard it is as they dont understand? But i have a few good friends who know the crap ive had and would completely understand if i needed timeout for me! I know what people are like when i divorced my so called friends just wanted to know how much i got like it was easy to walk out on a marriage? I told them enough to retire HA!! that shut them up! True friends will understand! I know it is very annoying when these people think you should be out working now? like i said no idea of 24/7 care by five years? would any of them have worked that hard! Im glad you were left enough to take time out for you we deserve it i wouldnt wish what im going through on anyone!
Hugs and hope your finding a bit of peace now!
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