A good night's sleep, chocolate, the happiness and satisfaction of sharing on AgingCare forum. Does anyone have some favorite things to think about? Yes, this phrase is from the song in the movie "The sound of Music". My husband and I often resort to using movie lines and song to improve communication. We were the only two in a gathering of people who heard the background music playing. We both had the same (cassette tape/CD). A connection bringing two people together. To this day, we crack up when one uses a simple movie line to make a serious point.
SO, What is one of your favorite movie line, some of your favorite things?
My husband’s great grandmother was a tiny little woman who had an amazing outlook on life.
I loved hearing her speak in French. She was so cute!
She had a blast celebrating her 100th birthday! Her only living sibling, who was 97 was at the party. She outlived several of her 12 children.
She named her children after her favorite characters in the books that she loved to read. I don’t know when she had time to read with 12 children!
She was a fabulous cook and loved entertaining! We made sure that she had the best birthday ever. We rented a hall and hired caterers and a band. Everyone showed up to celebrate her big day!
We had a trivia board that had fun facts such as, “Which came first, granny or the zipper?” Granny did!
Her picture was in the local newspaper. Her funeral was held at the same church that she was baptized in.
Amazing, and so wonderful!
Hey, if you’re healthy, I suppose you could do whatever you wanted!
Dick Van Dyke is still dancing at his age! Look how long Betty White went on acting in her television shows.
Betty made it to just under 100. Dick is 97. George Burns made it to 100.
My mom died at 95. There were times I thought she would live to be 100!
My great aunts died in their late 90’s and still volunteered in their communities. Mom’s brother lived to be 96. So, I have longevity in my family. Still don’t think I want to live that long!
My husband’s great grandmother lived to be just shy of 102! She had all of her faculties. She danced along with the band playing for her 100th birthday party!
I wonder what my plans would be between ages 110-122?
Still 12 years to go.
Maybe I'd start a new hobby. Discover a new country. Invent a new recipe. Get lots of puppies.
Hm. Maybe I shouldn't wait till 110; start now.
I can’t even imagine being that old!!!
Here's one:
Oldest person ever:
Jeanne Calment (1875-1997)
122 years old!
Mentally sharp until the end
Enjoying life until the end
Coffee addict here too! Love my cup of Joe anytime, make that 2, 3 or 4 cups! LOL 😆
Everyone please send loving thoughts and prayers for support Lea today.
I think it is wonderful that she saw a lovely rainbow this morning!
send - at work I used my clothing as armour. I wasn't overdressed, but always smart. It certainly got me respect. You are right you are treated better if you dress better. I find I feel better if I look better and tend to dress in outfits. Just me. What my dd was referring to, I think was when I was in bed a lot with a gut infection which lasted for years, I figured I might as well have bedtime outfits - matching nighties and dressing gowns as that's what I wore most of the time. It cheered me up.
gershun - not good for sure being insecure about your appearance. Sorry you went through that. Mother fussed abut me too, but I got past that and did my own thing. I have clothing that works for me, and once it is on I forget about it. Totally agree about less make up. I can't be bothered with much more very often except for my eyebrows. They are too light now so I do try to make sure I darken them. I perks me up! If I wake up in the night not feeling well, sometimes I put on a little make up which makes me feel better.
Reminds me about mother who had such light eyebrows you couldn't even see them. So she always penciled them in and it was part of her look. One day I said to her "Mother if you were naked and without your eyebrows on and the house was on fire and you had a choice of clothing or eyebrows you would put on your eyebrows." She smiled and said "Yes." I remember it as one of the few "light" moments we had.
I'm much more relaxed now and happier to boot. I don't go out looking like a slob but I sure don't spend as much time peering in the mirror either. Plus I think less is more as you get older when it comes to makeup etc.
It might lift the countenance of a worn out caregiver.
And I have found that people treat you better if you are dressed better.
Rebelling against your parent's expectations or society's norms is overrated
after you become an adult. But still free to choose your own style.
I just bought myself a huge sweatshirt to live more comfortably in. Matches the satiny navy blue pants that I might wear to go grocery shopping. But no worries, I will take the rollers out of my hair first.
Angela Lansbury was so cute. I didn’t see her play in that movie. I do watch old movies. I will look out for that one.
Will have to check out the book too.
My mom loved VO5. She did have beautiful hair. When she got older and her hair started thinning she was a bit sad.
She said that she always received the most compliments on her hair.
She was a beautiful woman and I felt that she was selling herself short. My mother was a bit vain and extremely stylish.
I do think women of that era placed a great deal of importance on their looks. They wore beautiful clothes, put on makeup, pretty shoes and purses, hair done just right and so on.
My grandmother never wore a pair of pants in her entire life! She was always in a dress.
Mom did wear pants. I think it was Mary Tyler Moore, ‘Laura‘ on the Dick Van Dyke show that made pants popular.
That’s interesting that VO5 still sell the product. The other product I remember mom using frequently when she was younger was Ponds Cold Cream.
Gosh, I hadn’t thought about those products in years.
Golden’s hot oil treatments reminded me of the VO5.
V05 still has some good products at reasonable prices.
margaret - glad that works for you.
real - you shampoo first and then do hot oil treatment then??? shampoo again? I put enough oil on my hair that I have to shampoo after. I don't have much natural oil.
pamz -good advice from your hairdresser. Mine can get very dry feeling too. The hot oil once a week is a blessing and volumizes. I have to be careful of products as I have skin allergies.
Llama - I think it would be worth a try. My scalp always feels better after a treatment,
Luckylu -Happy Birthday to your kitties. Time flies, doesn't it?
Need - re Mrs 'Arris I read the book by Paul Gallico first many many year ago and also saw the 1992 movie version with Angela Lansbury. Both were just lovely. I have read other delightful books by him too.
catskie - Oh gosh. My willpower isn't that good. I just don't buy the stuff I want to gorge on. I found some really tasty dark. chocolate nut clusters - supposed to be keto. Once I ate one I wanted them all. So I finished them off pretty quickly and will not buy them again soon - maybe one package for a treat at Christmas. Nowadays they make processed food to be addictive so we will buy more of it.
10lbs to be exact. lol.
I love Oikos banana cream& Activia vanilla yogurt. I got some Voortman wafer cookies and can't stop eating them in my yogurt.
Today is their 6th birthday.
They're the light of my life and the reason I get out of bed every morning.
They've kept me going since I lost Mom.
I can't believe they're already 6 and they still act like little kittens.
When you use a hot oil treatment it does a better job if you use a clarifying shampoo first.
Any oil works. You just clarify, apply treatment, cover and wrap. Sometimes, I leave the oil treatment on overnight.
Just my experience.
Golden, you are so right. It is a relaxing treat to do a hot oil treatment.
I think my mom used a product called VO5, something like that. Or maybe olive oil. I’m not sure.
Haven’t people used mayonnaise, eggs, beer in hair too? Beer was supposed to make hair shiny.
My hair is fine now too. I had thicker hair when I was younger. So many things affect our hair and skin. I only need a light moisturizer on my face. I do use lotion on my hands. They are always dry!