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Thank you Prime Minister Trudeau

Statement by the Prime Minister to mark 9/11 and the National Day of Service.
September 11, 2023
Ottawa, Ontario
The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today issued the following statement to mark the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, and the National Day of Service:
“Twenty-two years ago today, the world watched in horror as the worst terrorist attack in American history unfolded.
“Today, we remember the almost 3,000 people, including 24 Canadians, whose lives were senselessly taken that day. Our thoughts remain with those who lost loved ones, the thousands who were injured, and all those who continue to live with the trauma of this tragedy.
“Amid the chaos, the bravery of countless heroes shone through. Firefighters, paramedics, police officers, military personnel, and members of the community ran toward the devastation, risking their own lives in the hopes of saving others. Many paid the ultimate price.
“On this National Day of Service, we remember communities like Gander, Newfoundland and Labrador, that exemplified the best of our country by taking in stranded passengers and providing them with comfort, hot meals, and a place to sleep.
“After 22 years, we haven’t forgotten those who were lost on 9/11 – and we will never forget. On behalf of the Government of Canada, I invite all Canadians to honour the selflessness of the many people who provided help when it was needed most, as we remember those who lost their lives that day.”

Patriots Day in America
2 Corinthians 4:8-9
We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not driven to despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed.

Thank you for creating this thread, I absolutely loved reading it. What a fun, uplifting topic.

A few of my favorite things;
DOGS! (really all animals<3)
The Beach
Time to myself

Headin' out to San Francisco
For the Labor Day weekend show
I got my Hush Puppies on
I guess I never was meant for glitter rock 'n' roll
And honey, I didn't know that I'd be missin' you so
Come Monday, it'll be alright
Come Monday, I'll be holdin' you tight
I spent four lonely days in a brown L.A haze
And I just want you back by my side

I love the way rain drops form on plant leaves, like little pearls.

I love the way cats sit, elegant - feet together and tail curled around.

Bird songs I'm sure everyone loves.

I love lots of things lying on my back, some I can't mention, but here's some:
I love lying on my back cloud watching on a warm summers days.
I love lying on my back star gazing on a warm summers night, crickets chirping
I love to be able to lay on my back in water and float, but the last time I tried it, I was too afraid I could not touch the ground and ended up tilting head first, panicking, and choking. I have to take that one off the list.

I love quality food, but only 8 billion other people do :)

I love being around ancient trees, if only they could tell stories, we'd learn a lot.

Today, it was 20 minutes before naptime, the sun was reaching maximum heat and shining through the window. It was too too hot even to go outside. Dh refused.

I made a decision. No more! Going outside to finish the weeks-long project of setting up the gazebo for shade, my dH joined me, (or else!). Lol.

20 minutes in 100 degree heat was nothing, the sweat cooled me off as I needed help to get back inside, and up the stairs. My dH was a hero, as we moved the gazebo in place. Now, we have shade at that window as the sun tries it's best to peek thru.

It is now only 74 degrees F, when before I could not get the indoor temp below 77 degrees F.

Ahhhh, relief.

“Remember the frozen yogurt craze?”

Oh my God, I remember that. It brings back lots of nice memories!! I was crazy about frozen yogurt. :)

Enjoying the roving gang of comedians posting today. 🤣🤗🍦🍨🏝🌽

My favorite things -- Fresh garden tomatoes with basil and olive oil, soft ice cream and a day at the beach with my husband.

Way, I loved it :).
In fact as I wrote in the thread “Favorite things”, it’s my new favorite thing.

Remember the frozen yogurt craze? I think people really like ice cream better than frozen yogurt!

So many frozen yogurt places have gone out of business. The market was flooded with them. I figured that many of them would end up closing.

I like sorbet in the summer. Very refreshing!

It’s an ice cream sandwich …chocolate chip cookies with ice cream in the middle.


vent . Did you like it ?

I had soft serve ice cream today that wasn’t that good 😞.

No, no. It’s an ice cream sandwich!! :) And I bought one today.

Way, are chipwiches like potuna sandwiches? You know, prepared tuna, layered on bread with potato chips crunched in between.

Corn on the cob, and veggies prepared fresh from the garden.

The beach and chipwiches .
The two things I give to myself once in a while .

Please everyone , remember to do something for yourself .

I truly miss living near the beach .

My favorite things used to be world peace, no war, protecting the ozone layer…

I have a new favorite thing! Chipwiches!


So glad that your family had a wonderful family dinner. I saw on the dinner thread that you were making lasagna. Yum!

My kids are my favorite .
We had what felt like a normal dinner tonight , laughed a lot . My kids are very funny like DH. I think it helped DH for a while to put his Dad out of his mind .

I think that in this 24/7 world the need to know the day of the week is over rated 😉🤣

During the 4th of July holiday, I am so very grateful to have the freedom to pray.
Prayer changes everything.

Please pray for our leaders, whoever they may be, in Federal, State, and Local
government. Pray that every day they will know their name, and what day of the week it is. 🇺🇸


Those sound fun! 😊

Favorite things:
Sunrises and Sunsets
Riding in a my convertable on summer evenings
Card games with my father
The sound of my children's laughter
A good dinner and wine shared with friends
The wonder of teeny tiny fingers on a newborn
A clean house
Beautiful music

hi need :),

i'm into hug competitions.
and chocolate easter egg eating competitions.
and popcorn eating competitions.

i've had a few setbacks. but i'm gonna make a comeback.
so far i've only won among friends. but i have big plans.

Bundle, Boxing is brutal but this UFC is barbaric! My godson did this as his career.

He started out wrestling at school. He won most matches. He trained to be a UFC fighter. I couldn’t go watch the competitions.

I did go to his high school wrestling matches. He was also a trainer at his gym. The gym sponsored him to do the reality show in Vegas.

He interviewed with thousands of other people and got on the show. I couldn’t watch it!

I’m proud of his wins but it is a dirty fight. Anything goes in UFC! He didn’t win the championship but he had a long run!

Now he trains other people getting into it. You can’t do that kind of intense fighting forever. Eventually, they age out of it.

Football is another sport that is rough!

Bundle, Cinderella Man is a fabulous comeback story about the boxer, James Braddock.

George Forman is another example of a terrific comeback boxer.

Ali, who was formerly Cassius Clay took a few punches too many! His daughter boxed!

Can you tell that my brothers and dad were boxing fans? LOL 😆 It was always on the television at our house.

Will look forward to watching the movie you recommended. I love a great human interests story.

i like movies :).

i hate boxing. but --
i love comeback stories. (and you know, many of us on this forum need a comeback, too. many of us have had setbacks in our own life, as a result of our kindness, helping others).

i watched the boxing movie "bleed for this". impressive comeback.

golden: Yay!

Me too.
It was so smoky, I just went outside only to water plants, my husband stayed inside with AC on, still coughed.
Next week will be cooler and rainy.

Fresh air!!! I am so enjoying waking seeing the curtains billowing, moved gently by the fresh air coming in through the bedroom window. The kitty loves nudging them aside and peering out through the open window, no doubt smelling some interesting scents, and seeing the movement of small creatures in the garden which is now lush green from all the rains

For now we are free of smoke. I am so thankful.

Sung by Lee Greenwood

I Pledge allegiance, to the flag, of the United States of America
And to the Republic, for which it stands, one nation under God
Indivisible, with liberty and justice for all

The pledge of allegiance to the flag,
Is a pledge to the ideals to our Forefathers
The men who fought and died, for the building of this great nation
It's a pledge to fulfill our duties and obligations as citizens of the United States
And to uphold the principles of our constitution.
And last but not least, it's a pledge to maintain the four great freedoms
Cherished by all Americans, freedom of speech, freedom of religion
Freedom for want, and freedom from fear.
I pledge allegiance, to the flag
Of the United States of America.
And to the religion, for which it stands,
One nation under God
With liberty and justice for all

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