Last week my nearly 91 year old mother was dropped by a CNA during a transfer from the bed to wheelchair. This was strictly against protocol as she was only supposed to be lifted with a Hoyer lift. Both her femur bones were fractured.
The worker was let go that day. My mother had surgery on the leg that did not have an existing knee replacement. She was released from the hospital today. I will go to the facility tomorrow. She will require PT which she generally likes if she has energy for it.
It has been so hard to process this happening. She was not mobile with her legs but she had learned to navigate the wheelchair in the facility. Now I wonder if she will regain that. The femur in one leg will have to heal on its own if possible..I am just putting this out there for any thoughts on the healing of fractured femurs or any other thoughts. Prior to this unfortunate incident I have felt her care in this facility was decent. I am at least comforted with the taking of responsibility and stating the truth on their part which they probably would have had to do. I imagine the hospital wanted exact facts.
I am so sorry to hear this. I pray that she isn't suffering and that whatever is meant to be will be gentle on her.
She was 91 on Sunday. We brought birthday cake and left what we didn't eat for the staff. She seemed to enjoy most of it. I also brought her this pretty pink drink from Starbucks. She loved that. She is drinking Boost twice a day. She seemed a little better on Sunday. I am going today again with drink at lunchtime. Thanks for your wishes. I hope I might have a little better news tomorrow regarding the wound.
We found that mobile x-rays were the best thing ever once transport became a huge issue.
Call the ortho office and ask if they can order the 6vweek films they want from the mobile service the SNF uses.
The lawyers will get all the exact facts. They know how to investigate.
All nursing homes will lie when an incident happens or they will blame an incident on the lower-pay CNA staff. The aide's actions being 'strictly against protocol' is probably more likely the charge nurse instructs that the residents have to be dressed and up by a certain hour because it looks bad for them to still be in bed. Very likely the CNA has been transferring your mother like this for a long time. It's also very likely she's been doing so with her supervisor's permission if the Hoyer isn't available.
If you talk to a law firm, the lawyers will speak to the CNA who was let go and you'll probably hear a very different story than what you're being told by the facility.
My heart aches for you and your mom.
Do I recall you are in NC?
Getting your mom proper nutrition is critical if the wound is going to heal.
I am curious why you feel you need to "lay low"? They have admitted culpality for this injury and your mother would doubtless prevail in a lawsuit brought against them for her injuries and they know it.
We obviously are in strange times with Covid. They now always let me in even when they have a new lockdown. Last year when she was there in AL I did not see her from March to November. I could talk to her on the phone and drop off supplies outside the building. Now she cannot really talk on the phone but we go often and try to help with little issues that they will never have the time to deal with. They do have to change the wound dressing twice a day,change her incontinent briefs, empty the catheter bathe her some etc. I just am presently trying to keep peace if she is at all ever to heal. We are not paying presently. It is all through Medicare right now. It is very sad and stressful so I am just focusing on her health but I do understand all of you who say to possibly take it further. One aid in the room lifting her and dropping her has created a nightmare.
I think following up with the Ombudsman program is a great idea.
(((((Hugs))))) to you and especially to your poor mom.
I contacted the lawyer. I think now I have to speak to social services to find other placement for her if she survives all this. Her blood pressure was very low but has risen slightly. They are doing alot of testing. I don't know how long Medicare keeps a patient so compromised but also with serious bedsores.