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Hello exercise buddies!
My exercise table is finally cleared off! Only my self-traction device remains, and I'm gonna need that, lol!
I did some of my physical therapy exercises on the table last night and it was easier than doing them on my bed. But then I tried my old abdominal exercises - wow! They were really difficult, but it's been about 4 years - since I started caring for my dad - since I've done this.
Looks like I'm more out of shape than even I imagined, and I'll have to go slowly so I don't end up in physical therapy for something else.
Glad we have this support here!

Well, that looks like fun exercises, watching a group in a happy video can be a good motivation. That was so nice asking others to join you, Polarbear!
Of course, both my hubs and I will be trying these videos as soon as I am able. I can coach him sooner though.

For me, right now, I can gently walk the length of our house. (Tiny house, Lol.)

I stretch in bed a lot, kick my feet around to keep moving. It is not as bad as it sounds. Some days, I get up and go to the store.

Send- you're funny. :D

Thanks Polarbear!
I had no problems at all watching that program all the way through.
Now I am watching "Walk a mile at home", love the beat!

I started a new exercise program.
Everyday I do diddly-squats.

I'm doing my warm up exercise right now. Anyone want to join me... Just 5 or 10 minutes... or as long as you can.

Here's a link to an easy 5 minute cardio warm up exercise video.

Thanks polarbear🌈, agree you're right, (& kind to let me know). Feel better already:)

WOW.....I am impressed with all of you! I used to be an avid walker and golfer until 10 years ago when my care giving began. After my dad passed away in May I just knew I would get back to it. MAY.....I've walked a handful of times. Texas summers are way too hot but now I have no excuses. Mom, dad, and sister are gone and I need to get back to it. I'm glad I read this post. Here's hoping I can get on this train with you! Good Luck and God Bless

Tiger - don't be so hard on yourself. I do skip exercising here and there too. Lately, I do mostly stretching and arm/shoulder joint exercises. Haven't done a really heavy workout where i break a sweat.

Just do a few minutes (2 or 3 minutes) of light exercise just so you don't skip it altogether. It's harder to start again from zero, but if you do 2 to 3 minutes daily, it's easier to make it to 5 or 10.

Hi all, sad to admit: a few weeks ago, I lost motivation, & have barely exercized since. (Haven't gone to the free exercise classes either). I'm hoping by admitting this, it'll change somehow. Congrats to u guys for doing well.

Hi Polarbear!
An exercise table is very similar to a padded massage table, but it's wider and much lower, with no protruding head/face rest. Just a padded rectangular elevated table (~20 inches high) that's sturdy. Mine is oversized at about 65" x 40" - so I don't accidentally roll off the edge, haha! Most of them are narrower, and not only fold in half for storage, but fit on a wheeled cart to roll out of the way easily if you need to use your living room for company!
I had trouble exercising on the hard floor, so for a time I used a thick mat. Then I had trouble getting up from the floor. I'd used an exercise table in physical therapy before, so we purchased one.
Oakworks makes some good ones, but shop around as they don't sell 'direct' - you'll find a lot of different styles , sizes & prices out there + other companies who make these tables.
If your doctor will prescribe one you may be able to get some help paying for it, or at least use money from a medical expense account if you have one of those.
I'm clearing out a file cabinet now so I can then use it get the papers off my exercise table. Doubt I'll ever need my 10 yo utility bills anyway, haha!
Glad to be here in this group - it'll be great to have others to keep us motivated!

Angeleyes and Mort1221 - Welcome! So glad you're joining the group.

Angeleyes - yes, do clear off the table so you can use it to exercise. Just curious, what's an exercise table?

Mort1221 - very good and specific goals. That's how goals are achieved. They must be specific and measurable. Good job!

I'm off to do my 15 minute exercise.

Hi! This weeks goal: Consciousness - how am I moving/thinking and acting through out my week. I will pay attention to how I am caring for myself.
Movement: 10,000 steps I walked with a small incline on my treadmill today, I am at 3,108.
Water : 90 oz is my goal for today!
I already wrote down what I will stick to eating today.

Just started physical therapy for a knee injury but want to join you all for some motivation to improve my strength & lower my weight. Have an exercise table that's been collecting random stuff - time to clear it off & start using it again!
You guys inspire me!

I’m up to 5 or 6 days a week walking or air gliding at least 1500 steps (20 minutes). To my younger active self, this sounds like nothing! But, it takes discipline to get moving when you don’t leave the house often.

Thats my achievement last week: 6 days with at least 1500 steps. 💃🏻

Yay PB and Snoopy.
Keep at it.
Ya'll are doing great!
Getting stronger.......

Yay, Polarbear! Sounds good, keep going!

Continuing on with the very brief kettlebell routine after getting dressed. Today I noticed a bit more definition in my arms. Hooray!

Hi everyone. Hope you all are doing some form of exercise.

My shoulder pain is 80% gone, but the 20% still lingers. I've been doing arm exercise to strengthen the shoulder joint.

It hasn't been hot enough to hit the pool for a week now. I do like the cooler weather though.

One of the exercises I do when I feel lazy is when I sit at the desk, I will stand up and sit down about 20 times or so, just to get my knees and leg muscles to bear weight. I notice that if I don't do weight bearing exercise, I will have pain in my knee joints, but it goes away after I exercise the knees. Gotta keep those knees greased up and working. I see people who need knee surgeries. Boy, it's painful, before and after the surgeries. Ouch!!!

What are you all doing for exercise?

Good for you Snoopy. The hard part is making it a habit. I, too, need to exercise my arms to firm them up.

My daughter's swim school has free swim for family everyday from noon to one, and the water is always heated. I think I'm going to take advantage of it when the weather turns cold. Right now, the unheated local pool is warm enough.

Finally getting back to strength training! My new routine is to use my kettlebell for a few rows and pull ups right after I get dressed and before the day gets away from me. I am leaving the kettlebell right by my laundry hamper so I see it as I'm dressing and getting ready. I also put a reminder sign on the inside of my bedroom door. Hopefully this will create the structure I need for the habit to stick. I've been doing pretty well with walking and hiking and yardwork for general exercise -- it's just the strength training piece that I need. My arms are weak and a tad flabby. Legs and core could use more strength, as well.

I see that other folks are just exercising a storm out there -- keep it up! It is inspiring to me.

Thanks, yeah that's kinda heavy for me & I'm gonna wait on it, but sounds 👍 good.

Tiger- I believe the weight on mine is 36 lbs. That is why it mostly stays in one location. Except when I move it to use for Mom. But I keep it by my desk so whether I am sitting at my desk or if I do it standing it stays right there.

-Thanks Smeshque, I finally got to a page with interesting info about this 'vibing'.
I'm intrigued...what an odd contraption! (Does your machine weigh 33 lbs? May be hard 4me to move it).
-JuliaRose, you did great if you actually cud swim that much! I had the same fear as you: having my face in the water...😱Panic!
-Do any of u go to the senior center? I plan to attend exercize class at my senior center on Wed, (cuz its free). Hope I like it, cuz the tia chi class

Julia- the vibe machine might work well for DH can he sit in a chair? It would be good for his circulation

Tiger- google, vibration platform machine, that should bring them up, I tried it and it did.

Ya'll keep moving!

Lol, Tiger! I have a similar experience. I joined the swim team in high school to get over my fear of putting my face in the water and learn how to swim. I ended up competing in the backstroke, and I still can’t swim front crawl.

Thanks polarbear:) Agree we benefit from this encouragement, & I'm quite out of shape since not working.
Wish I could swim, & even took lessons when I was 24, but not happenin', lol.

Thanks Smeshque, I'm definitely going to get me some vibing! Lol.
(Googled it & found nothing) that's odd.
But will copy your link, thanks! 🐅

Good to see others posting! I also had no idea what vibrating exercise was. I wonder if it would be good for my husband who can’t stand...

Last week, I managed to do 20 minutes on my air glider only 2 days and was so exhausted by the end of the days that I figured that was a good start for week 1. I’m also trying to change habits: get up earlier and do it before the house gets up, which meant I was getting less sleep. I don’t think I was eating enough protein last week either.

Today starts week 2! And I did my 20 minutes :). Hopefully by the end of this month my calendar book will be filled with reward stickers! Good luck keeping up with your exercises, too!

Tiger- Vibing is standing on this platform and it vibrates at different speeds, working all your muscles in your body. It is more stress relieving to me, but it feels like a workout if I go through one of thee programs on it. It is good also I use it sitting at my desk and vibe my legs great for circulation. I sit mom down and put her feet on it and vibe her legs for circulation at times when she is not up to riding her bike. It is great to see you here as PB said. It is good to have encouragement as we struggle to stay or get healthy. Stay moving. Cleaning counts :)
I am posting a link below to one like the one I have so you can see what I am talking about.

PB- I am glad you have gotten in some swimming, quite refreshing in this heat. Swimming is one of those things I love because you really don't feel like you are working out but afterward it makes you feel so good. Well and for me hungry. :) Keep at it.

TIger - So glad to see you here. Exercising along with friends is more fun. We encourage one another.

The weather has been so hot lately so I went to the pool with the kids several times this week. Not a great swimmer, but I usually manage to swim from one end to the other, rest, then go back, and repeat. I feel great afterwards.

Hi, What is 'vibing' Smeshque?
I have indoor 'road' style exercize bike,... good for short cardio.
'Walk-run-walk' is my fav way to exercize outside. Not crazy strenuous, but more effective in less time.
(Otherwise washing my own floors & bathtub have been great exercize)! Lol.

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