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I am so sad tonight, I can't write. I'm hurt that he would consider doing this to me, 2nd shift? And he has the choice? I know where I stand. I quit.

Ohio: He's the loser here, not you. Remember that. I can't even imagine what it would be like to have someone like you on my side. You do more than should be asked and even then you do more. You have gathered all this wonderful information for his mom's care and he just leaves the room and signs up for the 2nd shift.

It's his loss and he will come to understand that. You need to look out for yourself now. Give him the information you have gathered regarding his mom's care and tell him you are going to visit your children.

When he pitches a fit and tells you that you can't come back, tell him yes you can and the police will be by your side. Let him know that you have demands too and if he wants the marriage to work, he's going to have to meet your demands.

Tell him this is the real world and he's not a little prince.

Ok, I've vented. I'm sending you lots of love and hugs. You are a star and don't you forget it.

Love, Cattails.

yeah, what Cat said ... but see a lawyer FIRST

I'm so sorry. He obviously thinks you're exaggerating. That you're still acting like "a princess." .... Also, when you see lawyer, check if it's okay that you withdraw some money out of the bank account (if your name is on it, though) or what action you can take before he withdraws the whole amount. Open a new account under just your name and deposit the amount. Don't spend it case he decides to get nasty. Have all your bases covered. Sneak away all your valued possessions, etc...

Ohio al, how are you holding up? Hope you ok. Thinking of you and sending prayers your way.

cattails. I am in shock he is following through on seeing the attorney in regards to a POA or Guardianship over his mom. I sent him texts with photos of my day that has sucked. From what I gave for breakfast, to taking 2 hours trying to get her into the shower from excuses and she reeked, from taking her house coat away with poop all over it, from finding yet ANOTHER knife in her room (this time in her pillow case), to helping her find her flashlight that she accused someone of stealing (it was on her nightstand), to getting lunch, to her accusing me of hiding her check book, to not giving her the mail (she didn't get any), to sanitizing my bathroom after she was in it, to doing laundry for her - my whole day has been wrapped in her needs. But once the husband hits the door tonight, I'm out of here til bedtime. I see a divorce lawyer on Tuesday, so I am doing what I can til then. I am a walking zombie today, I have no feelings which is strange. I exist.

Yes, Jeanne Gibbs, seeing one on Tuesday. I need to know my rights. Thank you for caring.

bookworm84. Probably, I believe that one. I have said things and backed off, not following through because I am so tired. No fight left some days. There is nothing in the joint account except what goes 100% on bills. BUT I do know where there are a couple stashes of his in the house that I have evil thoughts on - although I know I could never follow through and take. But I can think and grin. Ha - you just made me smile, lol.
I already have my own bank account that I use for real estate (that was my excuse after I was thrown out of house that time, never ever will I allow myself to be so darn helpless again) and a PO box in place if I need somewhere for bills and checks to go that has been established now for 5 years. My jewelry has been stored off home site since then, so not here for him to take like he did his ex.
I am boxing up my longberger baskets to put in storage. They have been in the basement, which bothers me - but this will be good to get them away. I have about 100 of them, collected them during my earlier marriage.
My photo albums are being boxed up tomorrow, going to my son's home for safe keeping.
All that is left will be my furniture, real estate office/equipment, videos' & all my kitchen things. I have already packed up my tupperware - I did a hit and run from my first marriage, had everything packed and gone in 3 hours. I can do that again. I haven't wanted to think this way, but after finding knives now in her room, knowing she hates me, with a husband declaring to go on 2nd shift, not being able to work and make money, I quit.

Elisa1961. I am not doing well today, sorry to say. My efforts on finding my MIL assistance & an attorney to help my husband get control of her affairs has resulted in him throwing it in my face. He first cancelled the appt with that attorney for today, then changed his mind and is there now. I have had a day full of my MIL today, and I am so drained, zombie walking. Can't wait for him to get home so I can say "all yours", like I did on Saturday. I never did that before. Never had nerve to.
I don't want to bring anyone down here, I have brought this on myself and will figure out what to do, trying to cover all bases. I still love my husband with all my heart, still don't understand why he doesn't love me the same way anymore, I will always care about his family, whether I am married or not, I would still like to work things out. But now have stronger faith IF he goes 2nd shift and continues to shut me off and not help with his MIL - I want more out of life that this. I feel like I am slowing dying, my life sucks. How can he deny his mom needs more help than I can provide. Banging my head now on wall. She has started a new one at me - did I mention that she is hiding knives in her room? Also making faces at me where she puts her hands, thumbs in ears, like na-na-na-na -na??? Saying lulalulalula? What the heck! 2yr old tantrums now.

MY MOTHER IN LAW IS INSANE AND TRYING TO TAKE ME WITH HER!!!!!!! That is my thought for today. I don't know if I am allowed to say that here, don't want to get reported for bad behavior and thoughts being posted. Just yelling my thoughts to the world not knowing what to do first.

Ohio: YOU ARE AWESOME. YOU ARE AMAZING. YOU ARE INSPIRING. I am so proud of you. Seeing an attorney on Tuesday, getting your stuff out of there. YOU ROCK!!!!!!!! I am so relieved to see you taking steps to protect and care for yourself.

Have you ever considered how ridiculous it is to have to take photos of what you do during the day, just so your husband will believe you. I'm glad you are doing it, but that your word isn't enough, is just beyond my understanding.

Listen, there may only be enough money in the joint account to pay bills, but if you take that money and leave him a note, he will use his stash to replace it so he can pay the house payment, etc. Consider it compensation for caring for him mom and just a little bit towards a settlement of joint assets.

You might want to take photos of his various cash stashes or even help yourself to some because he has probably stashed more in a private bank account that you don't know about and will have no ability to prove he has in the event of a divorce. So don't be so noble. You have to live too and get on your feet.

I know this is hard for you, but you are doing the right thing getting your valuables out and making a plan.

I can't tell you how relieved I am that you are taking action on your behalf. If you and your husband can work things out in the future, that's fine, but he has to realize that you have every right to define what is acceptable to you in the way you live. Don't settle for less than what you know in your heart is right. You do know what is right and it's been missing for a long time.

Love and Hugs, Cattails

Ohio, I am simply amazed at how you have taken control. Don't give up. I see a strong woman getting stronger every day. I agree with Cattails. You have paid for so much for HIS mom. He should have been paying for it and making it possible for you to work. He owes you financially and you will probably never see anything that you don't have access to right now. You need to take what you can before you leave. You need something to start off on. It isn't stealing, you're married! He should have been paying for so much for so long. It's getting back what he took from you. He should have at least made sure you didn't pay for his family.
No matter how you do it I see a great life for you ahead and family gatherings with your kids and grandkids all over you!

I so agree with mrsribit: It's not stealing. You are married and the assets are joint. That he would not pay your car payment while business was so slow and you couldn't even try to make a living because you were taking care of his mom if shameful. Would you have done that to him if the roles were reversed. OMG, no!! You would have been thanking him and hiring extra help and keeping him from the burden you have carried. You would have taken every step to give him some peace from a parent whose needs and anger are relentless.

Instead, he chose to keep you down, deprive his mom of needed assistance and to punish you financially at the same time.

Do what you have to do to give yourself a fair start. Leave him a note and tell him what you have done so he knows right away what he needs to cover. Tell him what you expect to have in a marriage and how he fallen way short. Make sure he understands there in no reason to talk if he can not admit that he has failed you and will do better in the future. No if, ands, or buts. This is where the rubber meets the road. I'm sure you can find a way to explain how much it would mean to you to have someone do as much for you and you have done for him. Squeeze it in, but make the bottom line very clear.

You are an awesome loving person. We all love you and want you to be treated fairly and with genuine love. You deserve nothing less.

Hugs, Cattails

Ohio, based on your response to my comment about maintaining a separate bank account, PO Box, and storage, I think after that incident when he threw you out - You Knew that if he can do that to you, he would never hesitate to do it again - If You Don't Follow HIS Rules. For crying out loud! The money you used was not even his money but from YOUR relative! What does that tell you? He's a Controller. It His Way or the Highway. Well, you did try the highway but he went after you and slightly manhandled you into the car. Ooh...that's bad. I think before you confront him, make sure ALL your possessions are gone. Also, alert your immediate family members verbally and by email of your intentions of leaving him and WHEN...Just have ALL your bases covered. Would he cause a problem when it's time for you to exit? Would it be best if you ask your lawyer to be there when you do? Or have one of your sons drop by and Together you leave? You would know how best to handle it since you know your husband.

Good for you for standing on your grounds! Your MIL is scary, very scary! I thought my mom was bad, she's much, much worse! You take care! And Be Careful, very Careful while in the same house with MIL.

Pray for me. Today is the day I take her back to the Geratric Doctor, where I have the paper for guardianship my husband picked up yesterday, following through for once. My MIL is giving me a hard time, saying she is weak, doesn't feel well, was up several times last night (I know, I told my husband NO, she didn't need to drink 2 glasses of applejuice in the evening, but she wanted it - bad decision, but he gave it to her). Just praying I can get her back and forth without bowel accident in car or doctor office as I have to deal with in the past. It's awful. She won't wear a diaper either, only these urinary pads that she claims won't leak. Well, we have proven that is not true several times. LOL

Ohio: I'm praying for you. Cattails

Keep laughing girl! It will help you through this tough time. Show the pictures to the doctor. Make sure you have a record of everything you've done for MIL. Poor thing, it's not where she wanted to be either. Just know that there will come someone to take care of her as you go on and take care of yourself. Prayers and hugs!

Ohio, maybe you ought to get a calculator and see how much it would've cost your husband, had he hired outside help for his mother instead of marrying it. Then when you decide to leave and think about his little stash of money, you'll not feel guilty for taking the 'due compensation' he owes you for all your work.

Ohio, why are you taking care of HIS mother? And why does it sound like his income is for him and your income (now lack of it) is yours. Don't you pool your income and share expenses? I don't want to sound harsh but from what you describe you are the poster woman for being taken advantage of.

I'm not sure at what age "elder abuse" can be applied but I think it's worth checking into for yourself. Your husband is definitely abusing you in so many ways. Can you go stay with one of your children even for just a few days? Tell your husband in advance what you are going to do and DO IT! Perhaps your own doctor can step in and give you a "prescription" for some R & R.

Your MIL isn't really your responsibility.....she's your husband's and he is definitely passing the buck! Contact your MIL's doctor and ask for an in-home evaluation; check with an omonbudsmen (spelling?), There is help out there but you will have to do it and I know that thinking about doing even one more thing seems impossible to do but your own health and well being ae at stake and you deserve more than you are getting.

Can any of your children help you with information gathering? Could/would they help even from a distance ....i.e. not coming into your home? Now is the time to not keep things private but to reach out - you will be surprised as to how many people/services there are out there for someone in your situation.

Good luck and keep us posted!

So, how did the doctor appointment go?

Ohio gal it is time you quit being the "good" girl taking care of everybody but yourself. If something happens to you, who would take care of MIL?? your husband?? And there is no "his" bills and 'Your" bills - when you are married they are a joint responsibility. At 57 you don't have much time to save for retirement. Tell husband you are getting day job. To find in-home care for his Mom. That you are not paying - it is his and his mother's responsibilityThen call Social Services and tell them situation. Once Protective services is involved he won't have much choice but to "pony up" expenses. If he is this ungrateful now, what happens when MIL passes. Do you think he will be there for you then. Obviously this is taking toll on your health. If something happens to you - then what?? Because MIL has money she will be responsible for paying for services.
I don't want to sound harsh because you are trying your best under horrible conditions. But there needs to be a responsible person and it looks like you are elected. Get MIL help, if hubby doesn't like it tough. Involve Social Services if you need to to get thru to him.

File for divorce...
get legal aide to help are being abused and you need to take him for half of what he is worth and get an alimony too.

As stated above, YOU are being abused.There are many kinds of abuse physical, verbal, emotional to name the ones that you are enduring from your husband and mother in law. You must stand up and take care of your self in this situation. Your husband and mother in law can afford the in home care for her. I know walking away does not seem like an option, but really it may be the only way to save yourself. Ask friends, relatives if you can stay with them till you get back on your feet. Call the local Womens Services for directions on legal help. This situation is a time bomb waiting to blow! If you have a clinical mental break down, physically get hurt trying to help his mother, or any number of scenarios that take you down, what kind of help would you be getting from them? NONE! Please remember who you are and were before this nightmare began. Wake up from it and be the capable, loving, happy person you can be again, before it is too late......

Hey Ohio, sitting here thinking of you and praying for you. Are you ok?

I'm praying for you too Ohio. You'll figure this out. We're here behind you. Let us know how you're doing. We worry about you when we don't hear from you for a while.

I am going to guess that part of your frustration stems from feeling like you should do all the things you are doing. But the problem is that while you're scrambling to the point of exhaustion, you're permitting your husband to maintain his illusions. It is time to let some consequences fall on him. Not being mean, but he has the luxury here - at your expense - so you're going to end up in a psyche ward or divorce court because you're shielding your husband from his own mother? How is that sensible?

When she digs through the garbage, leave it on the floor. I know it's nasty, but leave her pads and such alone. Yes, it is unsanitary, but he needs to come in at the end of the day and you greet him with, "Great! Now that you're here, I can get started cooking while you clean up after your mother. She's been such a handful today I couldn't get to it all!" (Smile but shake your head as if overwhelmed - because: YOU ARE!)

What is the WORST thing you can imagine happening in that scenario? That your husband is going to pack up and leave you because his mother made the house a disaster? And he's going to do what with her? Take her along? Maybe hire a caregiver? Maybe put her in a home? So my point is that until he experiences this problem personally - right with his own hands picking up sopping pads or scooping garbage out of the kitchen floor - he has no reason to seek change. You're making it all better for him and for her, but the cost is much to high for you.

Good luck & please find the courage and strength to take care of yourself before you're in endangering yourself.

You really need to take a breath, look down the road and see yourself - what you need is time to return to a normal life, live and plan for your future. The life you are living now is a dead-end, literally, for you. Save yourself - husband and mother in law WILL SURVIVE. But if you keep on doing it all, you likely won't. Take care or yourself - we need the good guys in this world.

Hi Ohio, I keep checking to see if you have any further updates. Last week, you had mentioned seeing a lawyer on Tuesday. So, I check...I forgot that where I live is 1 days ahead of you guys! So, I will check again tomorrow, my Wednesday but your Tuesday..Or maybe you need more time to think of what's happening with your life, so I will instead try on Thursday (or your Wednesday).

Either way, all of us are thinking of you. Whether you decide to stay with husband (please ensure you put some ground rules, though). Remember, your job is just as important to you as his job is to him. ...Or you decide that although you still love your husband, it's not an Equal relationship and therefore, you must move on with your life. Whatever you decide....know that we do still care for you and are anxious for any news. Take care!!

Ohio hasn't posted since the 29th. I'm really worried. Does anyone know what's going on with her. Her last post was that she was taking her MIL to the doctor. 2 days earlier she said MIL was hiding knives.

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