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You are not nuts to be happy! Enjoy!

Kimbee, I have stayed off line for awhile due to all the hours spent on getting back to work, I need the money to get back financially out of trouble. Yes, my one son is very angry with me - feels I left him and his family because my husband and his mom were number 1 - no room for them. That I still have to work out. But my other 2 sons and their families are understanding & it's so nice to back with them where they call more often or I can. My husband doesn't care to visit them with me, but you know? maybe that's a good thing.

cattails - sending you hugs, too. You have been with me on this journey - many many helpful thoughts and ideas sent my way. I was so in the dark, feeling so alone before - it wasn't until this group helped me gain strength and wisdom, that I started back up from my dungeon. Yes, this was a true prison with all going on that I will NEVER forget. Never want to go back. I can still remember not wanting to get out of bed, knowing that my day was going to suck. Wondering what games my MIL was going to play today on me. Enough of bad thoughts. I am happier now, & have been having fun. I just want this guardianship to be decided upon, so I know what life path I will be headed in next.

Chimonger from Oct 3 comments ... it seems like so long ago that MIL was here. I felt guilty at first. Then felt even more guilty when I was happy that she wasn't here so I could be with my grandchildren, sons, daughter-in-laws, my parents, talking with my brother & his wife again (they do not like my husband at all & made a stand not to be associated with him which has been hard. I love my brother, we were so close until a couple years ago). Anyway, IF MY MIL returns to our household, and my husband is given guardianship which gives him full powers over financial and medical decisions plus where she lives... we have a senior day care center for alzheimer's patients that will pick her up from our home, transport there and back, so she will have breakfast there, activities, therapy, exercise, nurse checks from 8 to 5 Monday - Friday. But I would be thankful for only have 3 days if 5 seems to over whelm her. Then let the sister in law have her anytime she pleases, at least the open check book account will not be within reach anymore IF my husband gets guardianship.
NOW, if he does not get guardianship, he "says" his heart will be hardened and his sister is dead to him. He will not stop loving his mom and will continue to see her now and then, but she will not be coming to live with us anymore. See how his sister like it and holds up. We know she will blow through the money quickly, then do what she has done in the past - dropping MIL off here, saying, here she is! Oh well. Just wish a decision would be made. My sister in law feels she won, then my husband feels that he has a good chance. so who knows?

cmagnum. thanks. I have always been more of a giver, silent, easily stepped on because I don't like to fight. Not worth it. It makes me so ill, in fact, I avoid conflict as much as possible. IF it is about me. NOW, if it has to do about real estate and a customer/client - it's not about me, it's about them, and I can negotiate most anything without angry outbursts. I will fight for them and represent my client with all I have. BUT when it comes to me, I back off. Always been that way. Probably because of how I was raised. To be humble, respectful, quiet, reserved. Hmmm....

I don't like conflict either for I was raised to focus on others, denying my needs which my mother denied as well, and learned at an early age to swallow my true feelings about things. With the help of therapy, I am doing better at standing up for myself, confronting people who need to be confronted, etc., but still have a ways to go.

Humility does not mean being a slave and not valuing oneself. Respect does not mean obedience. There's a time to be quite and there's a time to speak up. There's a time to be reserved and there's a time to be bold.

You are valuable and I hope in the future when it comes to you that you can overcome the knee jerk reaction to back off. Possibly, the energy that you put into standing up for your clients is energized by a desire to do or partly like standing up for yourself like you wish you could do. That probably makes you a powerful negotiator. I know from my own experience that standing up to my MIL was easy and sort of a substitute for standing up to my mother.

I wish you well in your journey through life!

Well said, CMag.

Great news, thanks for the update. We are all glad to hear you are finally getting some good times back in your life. As cmagnum says,"You are not nuts to be happy! Enjoy!"

I'm happy for you, Ohio. What a change in the tone of your posts, from where you first started. I'm happy you're happy. And.... I hope mil doesn't come back!

Then let HIM take care of her. She is his responsiblity. Go back to work. First go to a spa for a full day of beauty. Hire a housekeeper. Leave her alone so he can see the consequences. Act dumb and ask "what are you going to do honey?" Stop cleaning up his messes.There is a difference between "helping" and "enabling." He can keep denying as long as you are doing the work.

Ohiogal08: How are you doing? Give us an update. I still think about you and hope your life has improved.

THANK YOU for sharing your experience Ohiogal ~ this thread has shown me what my b/f intentions are in regards to his mother. He has been planning on me moving in with him basically I think to do to me what your husband did to you, to have ME be her SLAVE! Not happening no way...he's strung me along all this time and now this is it I'm not going to be put in that type of situation and I learned from your story. Thank you again and I hope things are good, it really is horrible what the MIL and he put you through. There are alot of parents on here that turn their adult children's lives into disasters because they feel 'entitled' to their caregiving by the fact that they raised them. My b/f mother is one nasty person and I will NOT fall into the trap you unfortunately did Ohio but I am glad the story seemed to end well. Lessoned learned here but without having to go through it! :) Thank GOD!

i know what your going threw my husbands mother has dementia, and her husband lives with her at their home a few miles down the road from ours he(her husband) has problems with his heart and is dying her son (my husband seems to think she can stay alone with her hubby and that she is fine all because he will call her and she said she is she can no longer drive cook operate the microwave ,tv or phone she cant make food for herself she calls herself cleaning her home all she does is walk around in circles i tried to get her help threw social services and she has to much money to quilfy for medicare that would pay for someone to come in and help so the son would have to pay for it out of her money which he ownt do today i received a phone call she was in the middle of a back street while a car was coimng luckly it was someone who knew us and her they call trying to make sure she was ok the son doesnt think that it was a problem and didnt even go check on her i had to go and then she argued with me that she didnt do it and cussed me out i told the son that she was going to get hurt and he would be charged with neglate but he always changes the subject or doesnt want to dicuss it im at my wits end and dont know what to do and whats bad i see him getting this diease too

Ohiogal you need to contact a lawyer asap. You may not want a divorce ma it is clear your husband doesn't want a marriage he wants an unpaid slave for his mother. Contact Senior services and tell them what is going on and see if they can help you set things in motion. This is a very toxic situation and will leave you in a position of no money, no marriage and poor health besides. Who does the house belong to? Maybe you will need to gather as much as you can and just leave the house to fend for itself; perhaps then your husband will see the light.

this thread is several years old. Ohiogal has not posted recently. Her mil was being looked after by another family member in their home when she last posted in 2012.

concerned wife - you may want to start a new discussion with your own story.

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