Bereavement groups are an important therapeutic tool for gaining information, outside support and coping strategies when dealing with loss. The forum is filled with people coming together to share valuable information. We’ve compiled experienced caregivers’ best tips and suggestions for seeking support and counsel after the death of a loved one.

Where to Find Grief Counseling and Support Groups

“Check into grief support groups offered through churches and hospice providers. Also, check into private counseling to help you work through the loss, if necessary. Stay strong and take care of yourself.” –gladimhere

“If your loved one received hospice care at the end of their life, contact the provider for help. Usually they are still there for the whole family after the patient passes away. They should have a social worker, bereavement counselor, chaplain or all three available to help. My husband is a big old country boy and the strongest man I have ever known, but when his dad died in April, he folded like a house of cards. The hospice that cared for his dad has helped him SO much.” –lizzywho61

“Some people find support and safety in their churches, while others look to family members. Whatever your case may be, just know you aren’t alone in dealing with something like this. It hits you very hard, but sometimes prayer can help ease the pain.” –Terry512

“You must be tender with yourself and find people with whom you can share. Not everyone is comfortable sharing grief, but some are. Many times, it’s not those you would expect, in my experience. Those who can be supportive are invaluable resources and ‘safe places’ to go. One needs a safe place during this process. I have gone to grief counseling and found it very helpful. I have also gone to grief support groups and joined online grieving forums. Of course, sharing your feelings in the End of Life & Hospice Section of the Caregiver Forum is helpful, too.” –golden23

“While hospice providers and churches do offer grief support groups, they are not necessarily professionals with extensive education and training. I recommend contacting the Association for Death Education & Counseling to find a professional who offers grief counseling in your area.” –Georgia12

“If all else fails, you might want to go to a support group for loss or get some one-on-one therapy. They can direct you in getting stronger. Your loved one would want that for you. They would not want you to sit around and not have a life of your own. ” –pargirl

“Personally, I think going to a therapist is a great gift to oneself. If you do not connect with the first one you try, do not feel bad about changing. Sometimes it takes a few attempts to find a therapist that is a good fit, but it will really, really help. I have also turned to my priest in times when I needed counseling, and he was very supportive.” –MishkaM

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